Author Archives: Dr. Josh Olson

Researching Breast Implants Before Your Consultation (Updated 2024)

Research is important before any major purchase, including plastic surgery. Potential breast augmentation patients frequently tell me that with so many breast implant options to choose from, research quickly crosses the line from "helpful" to "overwhelming." This foray down the rabbit hole of research often leads patients to ask, "What do I really need to …

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Should You Tell Others You’ve Had Liposuction?

Considering a major plastic surgery procedure like liposuction in Scottsdale, AZ involves many important decisions: whom to choose as your surgeon, what area of the body to treat, and what liposuction technique to choose. But another major decision is deciding if you should tell others you’ve had liposuction. I have clients who love telling their …

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Tips for a Post-Pregnancy Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck can be a truly transformative procedure for women who have had children. That's because surgery is the only way to remove the permanently stretched abdominal skin that moms are often left with after one or more pregnancies. For moms who exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, the excess skin can be …

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Things to Tell Your Surgeon Before Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is the top cosmetic procedure in the U.S.—with over 300,000 breast augmentations performed in 2017 alone, a 3% increase over the previous year. Though breast augmentation here at my Gilbert, AZ, practice and nationwide is very common, it remains important to have good communication with your surgeon and provide him or her with …

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Top 5 Reasons to Get a Breast Augmentation

With more than 300,000 breast augmentations performed in the U.S. in 2017, this procedure tops the list of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures. Women opt for breast augmentation at my Scottsdale, AZ, practice for several different reasons, and I use an advanced surgical technique to address each patient’s unique concerns. Some of the most …

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Weighing Your Fat Removal Options

Getting rid of excess fat remains one of the most common reasons people go to a plastic surgery practice. At my locations, we offer a range of surgical and nonsurgical fat removal options. Some, such as liposuction and CoolSculpting®, are familiar with my Gilbert, AZ, patients and have a long track record of producing excellent …

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Breast Implants: Before or After Pregnancy?

Patients considering breast augmentation at our Chandler, AZ, area plastic surgery center often ask for advice about timing for breast implants. As long as you're in good health, there is no bad time to enhance your breasts, but we do recommend that you first think a little bit about your future. Specifically, you'll want to …

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The Skinny on Fat: When Diet and Exercise Don’t Work

I'll begin by stating the obvious: Getting rid of fat is difficult. Good nutrition, portion control, and working out regularly are great lifestyle habits, but sometimes those are not enough to flatten your tummy, shrink saddlebags, or get rid of that upper arm jiggle. Women and men who looking to lose stubborn pockets of fat may benefit from treatments …

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Preparing for Tummy Tuck Recovery

A tummy tuck can remove excess fat and skin, making the abdominal region smoother and firmer. It is an extensive surgery that often involves tightening of the abdominal muscles that we use every day in almost every movement. While most of my tummy tuck patients in Gilbert, AZ, find the recovery manageable, you'll do better and have a …

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